Saturday, June 6, 2009

101 Goals in 1001 Days

So, I first saw this over at Katie's blog and was immediately intrigued. I love the idea of setting goals and planning for the future. More and more these days, I have been searching for the things that I am truly passionate about, so that I may pursue them now, rather than waiting until the end of life, looking back, and wishing I had spent the time differently. So, this was a great way for me to put down on paper the things that I truly desire pursuing, plus a few fun things thrown in there.
The list itself took a bit of time to complete, as 101 goals is actually quite a lot. Nonetheless, I am excited about getting it all done. I will come back periodically to update my progress. If you would like to create a list of your own, check out this website for hints and guidelines. So, onward and upward, here I go!
**Update: The goals in green are in progress. The goals in blue have been completed.
  1. Run a 5K race
  2. Run a half marathon
  3. Lose 20 pounds within 9 months (0/20)
  4. Get weight under 170 by end of 1001 days
  5. Complete a triathlon
  6. Finish a marathon
  7. Swim laps 3 times a weeks for three months
  8. Attend a yoga class two times a week for one month
  9. Complete P90X (4/90)
  10. Exercise 3 times a week for three consecutive weeks (1/3)
  11. Fast from fast food for one month
  12. Keep a food journal for one week
  13. Wake up at 6am everyday for 30 days
  14. Read through the Bible in its entirety (Bible in 90 Days, to be completed March 31, 2010)
  15. Memorize 24 Scriptures in 12 months (1/24)
  16. Join a small group (completed 10/09)
  17. Attend a women's conference (completed 3/30/10)
  18. Volunteer at feeding ministry once a month
  19. Teach Bridges for Women in a new country
  20. Fast once a week for four weeks
  21. Find a prayer/accountability partner
  22. Complete the apprenticeship course through Christian Writer's Guild (to be completed 9/2011)
  23. Submit an article for publication
  24. Get paid for publication of an article
  25. Read a fictional book (completed 6/27/09)
  26. Write for at least 20 minutes a day for 10 days straight (1/10)
  27. Write 10 poems
  28. Attend a writers' conference, such as She Speaks
  29. Participate in a photo meme for two months
  30. Post something on blog at least three times a week for two months straight
  31. Take a guitar class
  32. Complete sketch workbook
  33. Make a list of unread books in personal library to read through
  34. Read two books a months
  35. Make a will
  36. Go on a date with my man at least once a month
  37. Start a "Sundae Night" for family fun once a week
  38. Attend married couple's fellowship for 6 months
  39. Do not raise my voice at the kids for one week
  40. Send monthly updates to supporters by 5th of every month
  41. Read at least two stories each day with my girls
  42. Go to a drive-in movie
  43. Go to a concert
  44. Get family health insurance
  45. Get life insurance
  46. Eat sushi with my husband
  47. Fundraise for full support as missionaries
  48. Build emergency fund to 3 months' worth of income
  49. Institute allowance for girls and teach about tithing, saving, and giving
  50. Set up college savings accounts for the girls
  51. Stick to budget for 3 consecutive months
  52. Figure out how to generate income from the blog (got my first check 3/24/10!)
  53. Save up enough money for a Canon Rebel (completed 6/28/09!)
  54. Pay off home equity loan (in process)
  55. Refinance mortgage (in process)
  56. Start investing
  57. Return to Ghana
  58. Return to Ethiopia
  59. Return to Kenya(6/3/2010)
  60. Take a girls' weekend getaway
  61. See the Grand Canyon
  62. Visit Amy in NY
  63. Quit my job and become a stay/work at home mommy (completed 7/1/2009!)
  64. Complete menu plans for four weeks worth of rotations
  65. Follow menu plans for one month
  66. Follow Flylady's plan for one month
  67. Create housecleaning schedule
  68. Follow the housecleaning schedule for four weeks
  69. Finish crocheting red afghan
  70. Compile all the recipes that I use or would like to use into one recipe book
  71. Clean up front yard
  72. Finish Costco shopping list
  73. Build Flylady control journal
  74. Move all three girls into one room (2/3)
  75. Turn baby room into guest room
  76. Install a disposal
  77. Mop floors once a week for four weeks
  78. Fix vacuum cleaner (or replace it! 8/09)
  79. Hang photos in the hallway(3/25/2010)
  80. Repaint kitchen(4/12/2010)
  81. Bake 5 loaves of bread
  82. Get curtains for kitchen window (completed 11/09)
  83. Get curtains for bathroom window (completed 11/09)
  84. Get a henna tattoo
  85. Get a professional massage
  86. Grow a tomato plant
  87. Get a bike
  88. Learn 50 words in Swahili (10/50)
  89. Get potted plants for back porch
  90. Clean up papason for use
  91. Put hammock on back porch
  92. Mail 20 cards to friends just for fun
  93. Plant an herb garden
  94. Go ice skating
  95. Attend a poetry reading
  96. Get a blog makeover (done 8/09)
  97. Do one week media fast
  98. Teach girls to swim (completed over summer 2009)
  99. Deliver homemade dinner to 5 families
  100. Bake cookies with the girls (fun and messy! completed 10/09)
  101. Get a pedicure(5/15/2010)
If you've created a list of your own, let me know. I would love to take a peek at your goals!

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  1. Hi, I'm new to your blog! What a list!! How did you ever come up with #88? So intriguing :)

  2. Great list! I put together a list like this when I was in college. I think it's time to update it!

  3. I am overwhelmed just thinking about 101 items...but I am intreagued! I will have to visit the site to get some ideas and direction.
    I have a couple travel goals:
    -see the Northern Lights
    -visit Oregon during blackberry season (Tyler's bro lives there)

  4. Colleen,
    My husband is from Kenya, and we travel there frequently. Our organization (Unite 4 Africa) also has a lot of work going on in Kenya. So if I could pick up more of the language, it would obviously be quite beneficial when we travel there.
    It took me quite a bit of time to put the list together. 101 things is a lot! Take a look at the website and there is a master list there with great ideas. I love the idea of having goals to achieve, so this was super appealing to me. I like your travel goals. I too would love to see the Northern Lights someday! That would be so great! Let me know if you put a list together. I would love to take a peak!

  5. Shauna, those are fantastic goals. 5Ks are so fun. Have you completed one before? I've "competed" in two and hope to run in another one sometime this fall. :)

    Oh, and I have heard that the 30-Day Shred is super tough (which is a good thing, right?). I'd like to give it a try.

    You'll have to tell me what you think of the Christian Writer's Guild. It looks like an interesting program...

    - Stephanie

  6. Hi Shauna - I am so glad I "happened" upon your blog! Love the 101 thing, but also just love your spirit and heart.

    Your husband looks like an awesome man, I'm very happy for you both that you've got each other and your work.

    I look forward to reading more,


  7. Hey,
    I'm working on my 101 and trying to come up with my next list and stumbled upon your list (I stole a few). It sure does motivate you to keep busy and active to do things that you normally wouldn't do. Good luck!


Thoughts? Feel welcome to share...